
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's only Wednesday?

I've been a little AWOL the past few days because I'm in frantic mode, preparing to be unavailable to my family for a bit. Why? Because on Friday morning, I'm having surgery on my foot. That means Mom (my alter ego) won't be able to do any of the driving, wrangling, cooking, or cleaning, for the next week. I'm prepping the husband and kids for how to handle that, without forgetting that I'm going to need some TLC, too, as well as handling all my pre-op stuff.

It's been a tad busy.

I'm also getting ready for my upcoming releases. On Monday, my m/m historical short novel, A Simple Charm, comes out at Liquid Silver, and the following Sunday, my m/m noir long novella, The Low Between, comes out at Amber Allure. I'm going to have giveaways for both, so more details about those to come.

Today is more running around. While I can. I even volunteered to do all the dog walks this week. Because I just know the weekend and next week where I'm not really supposed to be out of bed are going to drive me insane.

Plus? I can't put a shoe on that foot until March. The boot I have to wear is NOT cute.

That's a good excuse to go shoe shopping when I'm all healed up, right?