Dec has just learned that the nightmare he's been trying to control isn't over, and come back to his room and Maya wracked with too many feelings. A kiss has exploded into the potential for more.

Her breathing was starting to even out. “So why do you need it now?”
If he’d been more eloquent, this would’ve been the time to tell her how much she’d brought into his life over the past few months, how watching her and learning about her had shown him the costs of being driven toward a single purpose, how lonely it could be when one closed the door to anything but their goal. He would’ve told her about Tasha, and about how he’d failed, and then begged her not to give up on him just because he’d made this fatal mistake. He would’ve been able to put voice to the burgeoning feelings he had for this beautiful woman, in spite of the fact that she was human, or maybe because of it, and how she constantly amazed him with her willingness to look above and beyond.
But Dec didn’t possess a silver tongue, and he had to settle for a simple, “Because you were looking for me.”
To check out all the other six sentence contributions, head over to the official website.
So much in this six! Brilliant.
Oh, I love how he thinks he can't be eloquent, yet his internal narrative is so clear. Lovely six!
Perhaps she will feel all that he is thinking. just gorgeous
Gosh, SO much bottled up inside him! I hope she can help him, really like these characters. Terrific snippet!
It's the quiet ones that always have the most to say ;) I hope Dec manages to put all that into words one day :)
Lovely. No one could have said it better.
Dec is in such torment. I am totally in his thrall. Great Six, Vivien!!!!
So like a man to keep his words concise. Enjoyed your six.
Nice conflict between thought and speech.
Love how you turned this in the end.
Beautifully written, as always. So much depth of feeling in that simple line at the end. Maybe Dec can tell her all that one day.
Nice narrative and then boom at the end with, "because Dec didn't have a silver tongue" -- good explanation! Sounds like Dec is in need of a little "tongue and cheek."
A very emotional six. Well done! :)
Great peek into his internal thoughts and feelings and how he looks on himself as well... It's like the iceberg, he's only showing a tip with his response, but there's so much more beneath...
A great narrative from a quiet man... so he thinks. A great and powerful six!
Great six! Loved his narrative, and then to give such a simple answer... Great complexity of his character.
Whoa! Excellent six. And I especially like the last line.
So much emotion packed into so few sentences. Well done, Vivien. :)
I don't need to read anymore to know that I really like him. Nice 6.
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