
Friday, March 29, 2013

The Week in Review

In some ways, it's been a tough week. I've been fighting pain in my head and jaw for almost two months now, and this week, went back to the doctor to try another round of antibiotics. This time, we're going to see if it's sinusitis. The pain's not gone, but I've not even half way through the run, so we'll reassess next week to see if I need to go back and maybe get a referral to an ENT specialist. Yuck. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Because of the pain, it's been tougher to concentrate on writing. I have about 5k on The Hearts of Yesteryear, but I would've wanted to be further by this point. I've had other distractions, too, though. Wednesday was my husband's birthday, and the kids had two games and two practices to take up our evenings. Add onto that all the drama happening with the Supreme Court, and my head has been in a million other places than my story. The kids go back to school next week, however, so hopefully it'll get better.

Oh! But this week over at the Amber Pax Collection blog, the authors of the Office Affairs pax that came out last Sunday have been talking about their stories. If you head over and comment on any or all of the posts, you'll have the chance to win the entire collection. The winner gets drawn on Saturday. That's five stories by some pretty great authors. Go! What do you have to lose?


Clare London said...

Sorry to hear you're struggling with those symptoms :(. Take it easy this weekend *hugs*