“Not to a four-year-old. Dad would get home at the end of the day, and no matter how hard he’d scrubbed his hands at the shop, there was always dirt under his nails. Plus, he smelled like all the plants. Getting a hug at bedtime was like getting hugged by the outdoors.” His smile grew wistful. “I loved it.”
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Anyone who has ever stuck their hands in the earth will relate!
That's really sweet and descriptive. Nice six!
*I* love it, what a beautiful description, I could really smell the fresh earth and green plants too! Terrific excerpt...
I love the way he remembers his dad. That was sweet :)risineme strong
A beautiful scene. But why the question in the first place?
As you know I love this set up and look forward to how you will further along the relationship
Very sweet!
Such a sweet remembrance of his Dad. Love how it stayed with him all this time.
I love the fondness portrayed here - great voice
I love it! Not my kind of story, but the sensory evocation in this is wonderful.
Oh! A gardener. I LOVE plants and I love sexy men who love plants, LOL! Again, I just think this is such a neat time frame to put a story in. Great six!
Wonderful six! What a sweet memory. Hal sounds like one lovely guy!
What a beautiful memeory to have! I always like your characters.
I like that. Very sweet and great description. I like this guy right away.
Oh, even if I weren't a gardner, I'd love this. As I've already said, I love the time and setting, and this is really lovely and evocative. Super six!
And I just noticed I used love twice and another variation of love a third time. All in three sentences. Yes, I really iz a writer. lol
Love the way concrete details here, and how they evoke his nostalgia!
Really sweet picture... hugged by the outdoors.
This is beautiful, and I come from a long line of farmers so I have to say it really touches me with a sense of nostalgia. ;c)
Lovely sense of an important memory and relationship.
Sweet snippet. :-)
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