His legs were wobbly, and his heart threatened to explode, but he’d spent the morning trying to convince both himself and a ghost that he could turn his back on everything he was. He’d had a miserable afternoon as a result. Hal had taken a risk by looking for him. Didn’t he owe Hal the same strength? He cleared this throat. “If I wanted to buy you dinner Monday night, as a thank you for the flower and the thoughtfulness…you’d be free?”
To check out all the other six sentence contributions, head over to the official website.
Viviene, I just love the way you write. This is an interesting time period to set a gay romance. Look forward to seeing how you handle it. Great six!
I think my heart pounded when he asked the question. This feels so high stakes - you really pull me in with your writing!
That's so sweet and romantic. Awwwwe.
Aww, 'Didn't he owe Hal the same strength?' Love that.
I am anxious to see how you handle this as I am writing a similar character. I feel I have to consult a lot of references both for the period and the characterizations. Am enjoying this immensely
I love the chances both these men are taking. This story feels so 'human' and I'm really enjoying it.
Love the internal debate of motivations, felt very natural.
So poignant. Hope he learns to accept himself so he can find happiness.
Great show of his internal struggle! :)
Oh, that's very poignant. I heart him! Also, wow, setting it in '50s Baltimore is really edgy! That and early '60s are my favorite time period for novels because they're right before so much changed and you can start to feel the tremors that would shake things up. Great job!
Why oh why do you have to make me fall in love with all of your characters? Now I'll have to go find this story... :)
Aww, that's a romantic snippet!
You can feel how difficult this question is for him. Great six.
Now I want to know who the ghost was.
Convince both him and the ghost -- something's going on here that you haven't told us about! Love the mystery.
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