Maya has learned that she's been kidnapped so she can find an antidote to the blood disease that's killing all the young vampires in Dec's care. Here, she's still trying to process what's going on.

As the water spilled over her shoulders, Maya’s fingers went to the exposed bite on her neck, touching the small raised holes where his fangs had pierced her skin. The memory of his whispered plea for absolution made her shiver in spite of the hot water, and she couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve happened to Dec to make him change his ways. He’d seemed genuinely contrite that he’d bitten her. She supposed it could’ve been his fear that he’d go too far and lose the aid he’d gone to such lengths to retrieve, but she wasn’t convinced that was all of it. There had to be more. After all, why was he so concerned about saving all these young vampires?
To check out all the other six sentence contributions, head over to the official website.
A very intriguing six! :)
Oh, I'm loving the sound of Dec. He sounds like a very conflicted, tortured soul. Great six!
I agree with Kate, he sounds awesome! Intriguing 6!
yes intriguing - wonder what's going on
Very nice. Involving, intriguing passage!
I love the questions here. They really bring the reader in and draw forth this desire to know the answers. ;c)
Great six. I definitely want to know more about Dec! And Maya doesn't seem too upset about it all ;)
Wonderful six. I can really feel the vampire bite. They are one sexy pair and have me wanting to read more.
I'm starting to wonder what's going on with Dec too! I think it might have something to do with her... ;)
Damaged heroes are the best!
Can't help but wonder what's going on.
Great questions in this six, Vivien. I'm wondering right along with her. Nicely done. :)
Aww...I remember this scene well:)...good stuff!
Great six! I want to know more! :)
Poor Dec! Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. He had to feed to survive, but he also risked losing the person that might be all of their redemption. Great conflict. Congrats on the Epic nominations!
Innnnnteresting! I have a lot of time for well crafted paranormals and dec sounds, even in six sentences, as though he has rather more depth than the average blood sucker. Absolution - originally Catholic maybe and educated enough to know to pick the right specialist. Great fun.
And good to get to know you.
Sounds like an great story. Fab snippet, too!
Great snippet. I'm completely intriqued by this story, so I just bought it. :)
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