Maya has learned that she's been kidnapped so she can find an antidote to the blood disease that's killing all the young vampires in Dec's care. Here, she's still trying to process what's going on.

As the water spilled over her shoulders, Maya’s fingers went to the exposed bite on her neck, touching the small raised holes where his fangs had pierced her skin. The memory of his whispered plea for absolution made her shiver in spite of the hot water, and she couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve happened to Dec to make him change his ways. He’d seemed genuinely contrite that he’d bitten her. She supposed it could’ve been his fear that he’d go too far and lose the aid he’d gone to such lengths to retrieve, but she wasn’t convinced that was all of it. There had to be more. After all, why was he so concerned about saving all these young vampires?
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