Some call Caleb the Angel of Death, but he knows better. He doesn’t kill. He erases life. Centuries ago, the Higher Powers created him to walk the terrestrial plane, eradicating those from existence who have either earned punishment or asked for dissolution. This is the story about one assignment that doesn't go as usual.

Were it not for the instruction "fast," I could find it simple to indulge in the man’s allure before eradicating him from the terrestrial plane. His was a body that wouldn’t break easily. I knew that without even having seen it in all its glory.
But time was not a flexible mistress. I lacked it and would lack even more if I didn’t start moving.
The paper went into my pocket, unnecessary for now, but not forgotten.
To check out all the other six sentence contributions, head over to the official website.
well written and a super interesting premise
What an intriguing premise! Loved the excerpt!
What an interesting character! Love his voice. Great cover, too.
I like the story premise. Good luck with the Book Awards!
Great six, Vivien, and I'm in LOVE with that book cover! Very sexy! Happy Sunday!
Great cover. Great six. Lots of intrigue and good twist at the end.
Great six and we'll see if he gets to the "all his glory" part. Right, we'll see that soon? :)
Intriguing six, Vivien. Curious to see where it goes. :)
Love "this week's Inspiration photo"!
Caleb's voice is great. Very interesting six.
Ooops... I sense a clash coming between "instructions" and will :) Great six!
Love the "time was not a flexible mistress." Oh no it's not.
What an intriguing character. (I'm confused by 'the instruction fast'. Do you need single quotes around 'fast'?)
Monica, in the original text, that word is italicized to indicate it's a repeat from the instructions he was given, and when I wrote/coded the post, it showed up correctly, but it's not reading the same in the live post. I'm going to go in to try and fix the presentation now.
Ooohhh, what will happen? Nice six.
Interesting setup, raises all sorts of questions. Definitely leaves me wanting MORE. Excellent excerpt!
Beautiful! I love your writing!
Excellent setup. Such a gorgeous cover!
Really gets the questions going in your head. Great 6.
Absolutely intriguing! I love your voice. :c)
Nice setup. But is paper appropriate?
Very intriguing! I need to pick that book up.
The man's allure...mmm. Caleb may have to break some rules here.
I'm anxious to read more! :)
oOh very intriguing. I have this on my buy list!
Wow. This is an awesome premise. Love the tease! Great six!
sounds like an awesome start!
I love the dark element here. :-) Great six.
A very intriguing snippet.
Intriguing, very imaginative!
I love this, can't wait to read next week :)
Can't wait to see what happens! Nice six.
Great six. Very intriguing.
Starting off with a lot of questions unanswered. Make me want more. Great six.
I really liked it!
Intriguing snippet. Lots and lots of questions left hanging. ;-)
Great atmosphere--definite foreshadowing of things about to veer drastically off track. Intriguing six!
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